Freitag, 28. September 2007
António Pessoa - expo
Suites Alba Resort
Suites Alba Resort & Spa Praia da Albandeira apto. 1025 Carvoeiro ~~ Algarve ~~ Portugal www.suitesalbaresort.com tel . 00351 282 380 700 Exposição de pintura . António Pessoa Primavera e Verão Parece que afinal de contas o artista consegue fazer prevalecer a sua vontade,dando-se a conhecer um pouco mais no seu próprio país. Pois,vejamos se para a pintura tem demonstrado ter engenho e arte para dar e vender,faltava tirar a prova dos nove,se ainda assim António Pessoa conseguia convencer Vicente Fernández Lago,a decidir-se finalmente a divulgar de uma forma mais adequada,a sua obra em terras lusas. O Sr.Fernández Lago,apesar da fama que tem de ser um homem teimoso e muito fiel aos seus caprichos,no que se refere a António Pessoa felizmente sempre parece fazer uma pausa na sua obstinada natureza,concedendo ao artista,por respeito,por hábito e também às vezes até por distração,essa cedência por influência de uma simpatia moral e vamos lá vêr,até mesmo pragmática. E o resultado começa a estar à vista com três "long play"exposições simultâneas e outras que tantas já programadas para esta temporada de Primavera-Verão na bela Galiza. António Pessoa precocemente reformado,que é como quem diz,como se sabe,porém pelo menos na sua atitude e modelo de vida dá visiveis sinais de estar bem onde está, restringindo o seu circulo de amigos intimos ao minimo imprescindivel e desta forma preservando uma certa qualidade social,que não só o inspira e o enriquece espiritualmente,como o vai por assim dizer protegendo de más influências e de interferências negativas. Intrinsecamente desinteressado por questões mundanas como fama,dinheiro,compromissos sociais cerimoniosos e acima de tudo cada vez mais insensível ao ritmo estupefaciente das grandes urbes,Home Studio-Antonio Pessoa reveste- se cada vez mais de uma atmosfera de trabalho plástico,silêncio e pensamento,estudo,análise politica e social,invenção,lazer e contemplação. Esta exposição patente ao público todos os meses de Primavera e Verão adapata-se bastante ao critério estético e até climático de António Pessoa,artista bastante habituado à atmosfera da Dolce Vita do sul da Peninsula desde a sua adolescência,apesar de ter vivido seis anos entre Londres e Amsterdam. Ainda que Worlwide seja um projecto que lhe vai exigir ceder e abdicar do conforto semi- tropical no qual se encontra como um peixe dentro de água,para enfrentar-se à turbulência de cidades como Nova Iorque,Chicago,Los Angeles,Dallas e até mesmo em sua casa,Barcelona,facto que verdade seja dita para o artista consiste muito mais em sofrimento do que em prazer,António Pessoa faz o sacrificio e toma inteiramente a responsabilidade perante si mesmo e naturalmente perante os muitos colaboradores que dependem e vivem exclusivamente do e para o projecto. Obviamente ainda sem certezas concretas é contudo muito possivel que o pintor português venha durante estes meses de Primavera e Verão a marcar algumas vezes presença neste paraiso algarvio,obviamente dependendo também da sua voluminosa agenda. Tendo sido sempre a sua região favorita em Portugal,onde o artista já viveu e passou longas temporadas desde a sua adolescência,o Algarve continua a provocar-lhe essa sensação de bem- estar e êxtase o que muito provavelmente pode significar que de facto apareça por aí,quanto mais não seja para dar um ar da sua graça. Sém dúvida que vale a pena se a alma não é pequena,pegar na familia,meter-se no Popó e vir até cá aos belos Algarves,claro está no Carvoeiro, Suites Alba Resort & Spa,em jeito de férias e naturalmente com os sentidos apurados para visualizar uma das colecções hoje em dia,mais representativas das artes plásticas portuguesas.
Veronica Amaral
Suites Alba Resort
Suites Alba Resort & Spa Praia da Albandeira apto. 1025 Carvoeiro ~~ Algarve ~~ Portugal www.suitesalbaresort.com tel . 00351 282 380 700 Exposição de pintura . António Pessoa Primavera e Verão Parece que afinal de contas o artista consegue fazer prevalecer a sua vontade,dando-se a conhecer um pouco mais no seu próprio país. Pois,vejamos se para a pintura tem demonstrado ter engenho e arte para dar e vender,faltava tirar a prova dos nove,se ainda assim António Pessoa conseguia convencer Vicente Fernández Lago,a decidir-se finalmente a divulgar de uma forma mais adequada,a sua obra em terras lusas. O Sr.Fernández Lago,apesar da fama que tem de ser um homem teimoso e muito fiel aos seus caprichos,no que se refere a António Pessoa felizmente sempre parece fazer uma pausa na sua obstinada natureza,concedendo ao artista,por respeito,por hábito e também às vezes até por distração,essa cedência por influência de uma simpatia moral e vamos lá vêr,até mesmo pragmática. E o resultado começa a estar à vista com três "long play"exposições simultâneas e outras que tantas já programadas para esta temporada de Primavera-Verão na bela Galiza. António Pessoa precocemente reformado,que é como quem diz,como se sabe,porém pelo menos na sua atitude e modelo de vida dá visiveis sinais de estar bem onde está, restringindo o seu circulo de amigos intimos ao minimo imprescindivel e desta forma preservando uma certa qualidade social,que não só o inspira e o enriquece espiritualmente,como o vai por assim dizer protegendo de más influências e de interferências negativas. Intrinsecamente desinteressado por questões mundanas como fama,dinheiro,compromissos sociais cerimoniosos e acima de tudo cada vez mais insensível ao ritmo estupefaciente das grandes urbes,Home Studio-Antonio Pessoa reveste- se cada vez mais de uma atmosfera de trabalho plástico,silêncio e pensamento,estudo,análise politica e social,invenção,lazer e contemplação. Esta exposição patente ao público todos os meses de Primavera e Verão adapata-se bastante ao critério estético e até climático de António Pessoa,artista bastante habituado à atmosfera da Dolce Vita do sul da Peninsula desde a sua adolescência,apesar de ter vivido seis anos entre Londres e Amsterdam. Ainda que Worlwide seja um projecto que lhe vai exigir ceder e abdicar do conforto semi- tropical no qual se encontra como um peixe dentro de água,para enfrentar-se à turbulência de cidades como Nova Iorque,Chicago,Los Angeles,Dallas e até mesmo em sua casa,Barcelona,facto que verdade seja dita para o artista consiste muito mais em sofrimento do que em prazer,António Pessoa faz o sacrificio e toma inteiramente a responsabilidade perante si mesmo e naturalmente perante os muitos colaboradores que dependem e vivem exclusivamente do e para o projecto. Obviamente ainda sem certezas concretas é contudo muito possivel que o pintor português venha durante estes meses de Primavera e Verão a marcar algumas vezes presença neste paraiso algarvio,obviamente dependendo também da sua voluminosa agenda. Tendo sido sempre a sua região favorita em Portugal,onde o artista já viveu e passou longas temporadas desde a sua adolescência,o Algarve continua a provocar-lhe essa sensação de bem- estar e êxtase o que muito provavelmente pode significar que de facto apareça por aí,quanto mais não seja para dar um ar da sua graça. Sém dúvida que vale a pena se a alma não é pequena,pegar na familia,meter-se no Popó e vir até cá aos belos Algarves,claro está no Carvoeiro, Suites Alba Resort & Spa,em jeito de férias e naturalmente com os sentidos apurados para visualizar uma das colecções hoje em dia,mais representativas das artes plásticas portuguesas.
Veronica Amaral
Freitag, 21. September 2007
Sala Panaderas - Antonio Pessoa
Sala Panaderas in La Coruña,northern Spain,seems to have adopted one of the most promising artists of the international art scene right now,Antonio Pessoa,showing some of his best series of the worlwide known Romantic Period.
A very wise choice unquestionably,considering the place and the time when this actually happens.
Together with some of the most interesting emerging artists from Galaecia,Pessoa returns to this wonderful region of Spain and in one of its largest cities,La Coruña.This could be the very beginning of a close and expanding partnership,between the artist and Sala Panaderas,in order to give worldwide voice to a culture and a region yet not so much known among europeans and the United States art lovers and art collectors.
Looking through the windows of Sala Panaderas front door,we immediately become aware of Pessoa's unmistakable style,the very remarkable stamp of his Romantic Period excellent productions.
On a short term this could turn out to be a brilliant and bombastic opportunity and possibility just to break on through to the other side,for them both Sala Panaderas and artist Antonio Pessoa.
Precisely just about now when Pessoa is getting ready to take off for the New York art adventure,it's good to find out that an important piece of his most amazing and striking working periods remains in the wise hands of an art gallery which seems to know its way around today's competitive segments of the global art market,despite the fact of Sala Panaderas local environment out and about on-going expanding art vision.
Specifically in a region of Europe far from being among the art merchandise leaders,Sala Panaderas swings about obviously with the connoisseur operating knowledge,intuition,wisdom and savoir-faire,managing artistic combinations,style schemes and recipes plus with the punctual layout of elegant and snappy informed conduct aiming and focusing on a relevant qualified performance of a label,product,artists and artworks,providing local art collectors with the comprehensive taste and flavour of quality. Focusing on essential techniques,so it seems,Sala Panaderas or galeria-arte,presents us with a stimulating improvement and Know-How,stepping further ahead and definitely not far from actually taking the leadership of northern Spain's art market monopoly stage.
Antonio Pessoa's career,unpredictable has it has always been,leaves us a whole lot of open field to imagine,dream and speculate,however when it comes a time when an artist reaches the point of public under falling burning acceptance and admiration,the synonyms of all these undeniable facts leaves us no much more ground to consider let alone doubt.
Pessoa's systematic working method in order to make this wonderful project available to the world is already conceiving interesting results to say the least.
Therefore,Sala Panaderas galeria-art,sure deserves our most excited and cheerful applause,definitely our infinite respect for the outstanding enthusiastic passion for your artists plus all upcoming new initiatives in order to expand what is already beginning to look like an impressive and great teaching of art gallery management.
As for Antonio Pessoa and Sala Panaderas we are truly lucky to have you both in the recognition club and surely in the spotlight of the international contemporary art scene!
Anneke Frenken
Sala Panaderas in La Coruña,northern Spain,seems to have adopted one of the most promising artists of the international art scene right now,Antonio Pessoa,showing some of his best series of the worlwide known Romantic Period.
A very wise choice unquestionably,considering the place and the time when this actually happens.
Together with some of the most interesting emerging artists from Galaecia,Pessoa returns to this wonderful region of Spain and in one of its largest cities,La Coruña.This could be the very beginning of a close and expanding partnership,between the artist and Sala Panaderas,in order to give worldwide voice to a culture and a region yet not so much known among europeans and the United States art lovers and art collectors.
Looking through the windows of Sala Panaderas front door,we immediately become aware of Pessoa's unmistakable style,the very remarkable stamp of his Romantic Period excellent productions.
On a short term this could turn out to be a brilliant and bombastic opportunity and possibility just to break on through to the other side,for them both Sala Panaderas and artist Antonio Pessoa.
Precisely just about now when Pessoa is getting ready to take off for the New York art adventure,it's good to find out that an important piece of his most amazing and striking working periods remains in the wise hands of an art gallery which seems to know its way around today's competitive segments of the global art market,despite the fact of Sala Panaderas local environment out and about on-going expanding art vision.
Specifically in a region of Europe far from being among the art merchandise leaders,Sala Panaderas swings about obviously with the connoisseur operating knowledge,intuition,wisdom and savoir-faire,managing artistic combinations,style schemes and recipes plus with the punctual layout of elegant and snappy informed conduct aiming and focusing on a relevant qualified performance of a label,product,artists and artworks,providing local art collectors with the comprehensive taste and flavour of quality. Focusing on essential techniques,so it seems,Sala Panaderas or galeria-arte,presents us with a stimulating improvement and Know-How,stepping further ahead and definitely not far from actually taking the leadership of northern Spain's art market monopoly stage.
Antonio Pessoa's career,unpredictable has it has always been,leaves us a whole lot of open field to imagine,dream and speculate,however when it comes a time when an artist reaches the point of public under falling burning acceptance and admiration,the synonyms of all these undeniable facts leaves us no much more ground to consider let alone doubt.
Pessoa's systematic working method in order to make this wonderful project available to the world is already conceiving interesting results to say the least.
Therefore,Sala Panaderas galeria-art,sure deserves our most excited and cheerful applause,definitely our infinite respect for the outstanding enthusiastic passion for your artists plus all upcoming new initiatives in order to expand what is already beginning to look like an impressive and great teaching of art gallery management.
As for Antonio Pessoa and Sala Panaderas we are truly lucky to have you both in the recognition club and surely in the spotlight of the international contemporary art scene!
Anneke Frenken
EXPO - Antonio Pessoa , 2007
Casa da Calçada . Relais & Châteaux
tel . 00351 . 255 410 830
Another great Antonio Pessoa solo Art Show at the Casa da Calçada .Relais & Châteaux,Vernissage taking place May 12, 7 p.m. and open to visitors till August 12,2007.
Another "The Romantic Period" outlook,1997-2002,inspired and produced in Vigo,Spain and definitely one of the most striking artworks series of the artist ever.
Again,it seems it's never too much to overlook Antonio Pessoa's unique and outstanding Romantic Period,1997-2002,the endless well-acted series of artworks aiming so many different aspects of fine arts and furthermore,getting it done by the magical dynamic force and energy of an artist so incredibly involved with the basic pure studio hard work and continuous research.
Therefore,in so doing,Antonio Pessoa during those super-productive years living in Vigo,Spain,actually accomplishes art results beyond even his closest friends expectations turning huge blank canvases into splendid and amazing high quality artworks.
From 1997 till 2002,the very space in time of the worldwide known and rather puzzling Romantic Period,the artist actually explores all there is to explore and review in the pure fine arts universe.This rather peculiar and still not yet fully explained urgency to produce on a frantic daily basis and with an extreme concentrated devotion,still remains an obscure and not yet fully solved sort of mystery.
This almost paranormal unexplained phenomena,like it or not,gave birth to one of the most fine art amazing encyclopedic art collections among the ones of the Great Masters.The hidden reasons or motivations which actually led Antonio Pessoa throughout five intense years of nerve shaking, ferocious adventures across the fine art trade field , still remain in the secret of the Gods.
Not even Mr. Vicente Fernández Lago,close friend,partner,book keeper,public relations and administrator of Antonio Pessoa's affairs in Spain and Portugal,not even spaniard Irene Luz Iglesias Dona still the artist official wife,neither his multiple european and americans collaborators,yet got to deeply understand what was on the artist's mind and soul during those speed limit years of the wonderful,bohemian and hard working Romantic Period.
Actually the only one who seems to be keeping the Classified Information-so to speak- is indeed Mr.Jacob Kotsky,Antonio Pessoa's official biographer and close friend since the late 90's.
Like a fast-forward movie,the artist's Romantic Period went zooming through those action time five years,leaving behind thousands of loose ends and finger prints in the body of amazing and outstanding artworks.
Antonio Pessoa the Andy Warhol of Vigo,Spain,was and still seems to be the top model for all absolute beginners and even the veteran artists of west northern Spain.If from 1997 to 2002,he became indeed as popular as popular can be mainly in Vigo but also in whole region of Galecia,from the time he settles down in Barcelona his mythical aura increases to the point of almost becoming a legend,significantly a mith in his own time within the Vigo art scene,namely among artists,art curators,media and art collectors.
Nevertheless,most importantly was undoubtedly his personal talented achievement by accomplishing a true gifted titanic collection of gifted art pieces.
And precisely as for right now,in this romantic,striking,magical and
Hollywood like Castle which is Casa da Calçada Relais & Châteaux,in
one of Portugal´s most charming cities,Amarante,just a few miles from Oporto,some of Antonio Pessoa´s Romantic Period Best of artworks are available to art lovers from Spain,Portugal and of course from all over the world.
During this three months Art Show,we welcome you to come and join the club and make the very most of it.
It´s a Must and besides,ladies and gentlemen,I would say that you're
very probably going to have the time of your life!
Casa da Calçada . Relais & Châteaux
tel . 00351 . 255 410 830
Another great Antonio Pessoa solo Art Show at the Casa da Calçada .Relais & Châteaux,Vernissage taking place May 12, 7 p.m. and open to visitors till August 12,2007.
Another "The Romantic Period" outlook,1997-2002,inspired and produced in Vigo,Spain and definitely one of the most striking artworks series of the artist ever.
Again,it seems it's never too much to overlook Antonio Pessoa's unique and outstanding Romantic Period,1997-2002,the endless well-acted series of artworks aiming so many different aspects of fine arts and furthermore,getting it done by the magical dynamic force and energy of an artist so incredibly involved with the basic pure studio hard work and continuous research.
Therefore,in so doing,Antonio Pessoa during those super-productive years living in Vigo,Spain,actually accomplishes art results beyond even his closest friends expectations turning huge blank canvases into splendid and amazing high quality artworks.
From 1997 till 2002,the very space in time of the worldwide known and rather puzzling Romantic Period,the artist actually explores all there is to explore and review in the pure fine arts universe.This rather peculiar and still not yet fully explained urgency to produce on a frantic daily basis and with an extreme concentrated devotion,still remains an obscure and not yet fully solved sort of mystery.
This almost paranormal unexplained phenomena,like it or not,gave birth to one of the most fine art amazing encyclopedic art collections among the ones of the Great Masters.The hidden reasons or motivations which actually led Antonio Pessoa throughout five intense years of nerve shaking, ferocious adventures across the fine art trade field , still remain in the secret of the Gods.
Not even Mr. Vicente Fernández Lago,close friend,partner,book keeper,public relations and administrator of Antonio Pessoa's affairs in Spain and Portugal,not even spaniard Irene Luz Iglesias Dona still the artist official wife,neither his multiple european and americans collaborators,yet got to deeply understand what was on the artist's mind and soul during those speed limit years of the wonderful,bohemian and hard working Romantic Period.
Actually the only one who seems to be keeping the Classified Information-so to speak- is indeed Mr.Jacob Kotsky,Antonio Pessoa's official biographer and close friend since the late 90's.
Like a fast-forward movie,the artist's Romantic Period went zooming through those action time five years,leaving behind thousands of loose ends and finger prints in the body of amazing and outstanding artworks.
Antonio Pessoa the Andy Warhol of Vigo,Spain,was and still seems to be the top model for all absolute beginners and even the veteran artists of west northern Spain.If from 1997 to 2002,he became indeed as popular as popular can be mainly in Vigo but also in whole region of Galecia,from the time he settles down in Barcelona his mythical aura increases to the point of almost becoming a legend,significantly a mith in his own time within the Vigo art scene,namely among artists,art curators,media and art collectors.
Nevertheless,most importantly was undoubtedly his personal talented achievement by accomplishing a true gifted titanic collection of gifted art pieces.
And precisely as for right now,in this romantic,striking,magical and
Hollywood like Castle which is Casa da Calçada Relais & Châteaux,in
one of Portugal´s most charming cities,Amarante,just a few miles from Oporto,some of Antonio Pessoa´s Romantic Period Best of artworks are available to art lovers from Spain,Portugal and of course from all over the world.
During this three months Art Show,we welcome you to come and join the club and make the very most of it.
It´s a Must and besides,ladies and gentlemen,I would say that you're
very probably going to have the time of your life!
Mittwoch, 19. September 2007
Antonio Pessoa
Picture yourself in a brand-new dimension of Art expression and next thing you know you are experiencing a new sensation of freedom and the feeling that after all contemporary Art remains alive to an extent far beyond what you probably might have been expecting.
Picture yourself getting rid of the same old art concepts even the so called contemporary,for all that matters,and therefore entering a new universe of world wide communication where you can be involved as a viewer,as a critic and even as an artist.
You may wonder how come is that possible?
Simply because Antonio Pessoa is indeed a whole lot more than just the average artist,he is a genuine born to be a communicator,relating Art directly to people right in the act as a power of nature led by a natural mission wich opens the doors and through Art discloses directly the hidden secrets of life,love,energy,positive thinking and more than contemporary Art a new perspective of contemporary attitude.
The NEW ERA is atributed to Antonio Pessoa just as cubism to Picasso.The studio wizard is back online like Phoenix from the ashes.
No more heroes required,Antonio Pessoa is just a man not a God,nevertheless his macro energy,talent,heart and soul,turn out to be the perfect combination right at the start of the new century.
A NEW ERA of Art expression is born and long live modern Art with Antonio Pessoa's contribution and his voluntary act of giving in common with others for the common purpose of contemporary Art enhancement developmental endeavour.
There's no doubt that Antonio Pessoa's New Era is here to stay.It's well known that the artist's tradition and reputation translates a solid as a rock reliability wich keeps on providing us with the undeniable reassurance that once he commits himself to a specific convincing belief he hardly is ever going to give it up or give in.
And that's about as far as we need to go.
So Art lovers , all you have to do is let your emotions flow as Antonio Pessoa's New Era artworks keep on coming,showing us the Art side of reality,with the impact touch wich only he knows how to handle with the unmistakable skillfulness of his exceptional creative ability,dazzling unusual and unique,the model of contemporary Art communication at his very best apotheosis level of invention and high quality.
The general anatomy of Antonio Pessoa's New Era artworks is of total abstract meteoritical symbols,a babylonian of colors and shapes macroevolution leading us to amazing suggestions of how our feelings and emotions can actually drift away for a long voyage a waggish day dreaming experience that only Art has made possible up to now.
If ever there is any particular message behind the cosmogenical surface of the New Era's artworks,very likely is for the artist to know and for us to find out.That's indeed the stimulating thrill of writing Art with underlines.Despite this artistic classified information,undoubtedly kept in secret on purpose,communication is flowing out in the open more than enough or at least just enough to keep the viewer in the privileged state of fascinating discovery.
A friend of mine roughly one year ago came up with a quite interesting quotation.He said " Writing about Art is the same as painting about Music ". That kept me wondering for a few days,fortunately I gave it a second thought and there I was concluding that maybe painting while writing about Art was probably the next option to take.
One way or another,fact is that on the whole I've always been more concerned about Antonio Pessoa's life,the artist and the man,than specifically,shall we say,preoccupied about going on prattling putting down in words what is visually so much enough obvious as mysterious.And that's definitely the wonderful thrill of contemplating visual arts.
So therefore as far as Antonio Pessoa's New Era is concerned I see myself rather playing the role of the biographer than just the art critic very often obsessively displaying titanic literary criticism oriented pages in the time wasting struggle of searching for square definitions related to something such as Art where obviously rigidly accurate analytical sequences have absolutely nothing to do with what's at stake.
Antonio Pessoa's New Era can easily manage to survive without the need of long speeches about the issue.On the other hand Antonio Pessoa's life and work has got indeed much more than enough amazing and truly interesting real time,direct action,real life,living Art content as to actually provide adequate ground to be put down in words.
Art interpretation concept therefore makes the artist's biographical zone if not compulsory , at least worthy of acceptance in order to digest a far more clear understanding of what it's all about.
Specifically what particularly concerns Antonio Pessoa's New Era,now here we have a true stimulating and complex challenge to face,to take and definitely to enjoy.
Standing before the idea of this new project of Antonio Pessoa,is just about enough to give us the breathtaking hope that indeed something unexpectedly new in the contemporary Art scene is about to happen.Fact is it already did.
So let the child grow,make it asap Antonio,for all of us who have been following your career so far,we all believe it's going to turn out to be one more time into an action art performance wich certainly is going to keep us together more than ever focusing our attention span into your Art vision today.
Art lovers and Art collectors sure need something fresh and new to lean on and that's where Antonio Pessoa's New Era comes in,full of color and grace,gentle and sentimental,elegantly glamourous and powerfully avant-gardish wich now that we come to think of it verdict is that it turns out to be a formula far beyond the so called contemporary fashion average,straight towards the perfect combination of what progressive neo-futurism indeed should be.
A true Art studio veteran coming back live and alive dressed up as a talented gifted absolute beginner,much more than a daring act of courage,is hereupon the herald shouting the arrival of the new century's mirror,the magical mirror wich only Art can provide,wich only Art can afford just by translating the contradictory elements of nature into the compact beauty wich only Art can accomplish.
Art lovers and Art collectors,make room and make way,let us all allow Antonio Pessoa's New Era to become what it's meant to be.A brave new world of communication,intention,sensation,emotion,invention and expression.
Submiting a new concept to the world has always been a risky process,a labyrinth of options and alternative B plans,pertaining to unconventional choices between mutually exclusive possibilities.Once the petrification of the same old formulas becomes totally out of question,then there's no way back whatsoever and the two options left are either suicide or glory.And that's as romantic as I can afford to be when sharing and facing the artist's dilemma of to be real or not to be.
The Art magician one day wakes up just to find out and so honestly admit to himself that despite his multiple tricks somehow still manage to keep the audience in a suspense breathtaking nail-biting tension,fact is that suddenly his tricks don't mean anything to him anymore.
And that sometimes can actually be the very beginning of a new period,if there's still the burning fire in the artist's heart and soul.
Antonio Pessoa's New Era is the perfect example of a heart and soul,where dancing flames seem to flip-flop and fly through clouds and clouds of multicolored smoke and as when there is smoke there is fire,there is an artist who has just made up his mind determined to make sure the show must go on and this time now more eager than ever to step on the stage and turn the audience into an orgasmic crowd.
Better said than done,some might claim,although while in so doing,very likely the artist is already at work and while some skepticals bystanders doubt it,very probably Antonio Pessoa's New Era might as well be by then taking off,flying and landing at the airport of recognition to receive the open arms welcome of the erudite ones who have the privilege of understanding an artistic phenomenon when they see one.
Picture yourself in a brand-new dimension of Art expression and next thing you know you are experiencing a new sensation of freedom and the feeling that after all contemporary Art remains alive to an extent far beyond what you probably might have been expecting.
Picture yourself getting rid of the same old art concepts even the so called contemporary,for all that matters,and therefore entering a new universe of world wide communication where you can be involved as a viewer,as a critic and even as an artist.
You may wonder how come is that possible?
Simply because Antonio Pessoa is indeed a whole lot more than just the average artist,he is a genuine born to be a communicator,relating Art directly to people right in the act as a power of nature led by a natural mission wich opens the doors and through Art discloses directly the hidden secrets of life,love,energy,positive thinking and more than contemporary Art a new perspective of contemporary attitude.
The NEW ERA is atributed to Antonio Pessoa just as cubism to Picasso.The studio wizard is back online like Phoenix from the ashes.
No more heroes required,Antonio Pessoa is just a man not a God,nevertheless his macro energy,talent,heart and soul,turn out to be the perfect combination right at the start of the new century.
A NEW ERA of Art expression is born and long live modern Art with Antonio Pessoa's contribution and his voluntary act of giving in common with others for the common purpose of contemporary Art enhancement developmental endeavour.
There's no doubt that Antonio Pessoa's New Era is here to stay.It's well known that the artist's tradition and reputation translates a solid as a rock reliability wich keeps on providing us with the undeniable reassurance that once he commits himself to a specific convincing belief he hardly is ever going to give it up or give in.
And that's about as far as we need to go.
So Art lovers , all you have to do is let your emotions flow as Antonio Pessoa's New Era artworks keep on coming,showing us the Art side of reality,with the impact touch wich only he knows how to handle with the unmistakable skillfulness of his exceptional creative ability,dazzling unusual and unique,the model of contemporary Art communication at his very best apotheosis level of invention and high quality.
The general anatomy of Antonio Pessoa's New Era artworks is of total abstract meteoritical symbols,a babylonian of colors and shapes macroevolution leading us to amazing suggestions of how our feelings and emotions can actually drift away for a long voyage a waggish day dreaming experience that only Art has made possible up to now.
If ever there is any particular message behind the cosmogenical surface of the New Era's artworks,very likely is for the artist to know and for us to find out.That's indeed the stimulating thrill of writing Art with underlines.Despite this artistic classified information,undoubtedly kept in secret on purpose,communication is flowing out in the open more than enough or at least just enough to keep the viewer in the privileged state of fascinating discovery.
A friend of mine roughly one year ago came up with a quite interesting quotation.He said " Writing about Art is the same as painting about Music ". That kept me wondering for a few days,fortunately I gave it a second thought and there I was concluding that maybe painting while writing about Art was probably the next option to take.
One way or another,fact is that on the whole I've always been more concerned about Antonio Pessoa's life,the artist and the man,than specifically,shall we say,preoccupied about going on prattling putting down in words what is visually so much enough obvious as mysterious.And that's definitely the wonderful thrill of contemplating visual arts.
So therefore as far as Antonio Pessoa's New Era is concerned I see myself rather playing the role of the biographer than just the art critic very often obsessively displaying titanic literary criticism oriented pages in the time wasting struggle of searching for square definitions related to something such as Art where obviously rigidly accurate analytical sequences have absolutely nothing to do with what's at stake.
Antonio Pessoa's New Era can easily manage to survive without the need of long speeches about the issue.On the other hand Antonio Pessoa's life and work has got indeed much more than enough amazing and truly interesting real time,direct action,real life,living Art content as to actually provide adequate ground to be put down in words.
Art interpretation concept therefore makes the artist's biographical zone if not compulsory , at least worthy of acceptance in order to digest a far more clear understanding of what it's all about.
Specifically what particularly concerns Antonio Pessoa's New Era,now here we have a true stimulating and complex challenge to face,to take and definitely to enjoy.
Standing before the idea of this new project of Antonio Pessoa,is just about enough to give us the breathtaking hope that indeed something unexpectedly new in the contemporary Art scene is about to happen.Fact is it already did.
So let the child grow,make it asap Antonio,for all of us who have been following your career so far,we all believe it's going to turn out to be one more time into an action art performance wich certainly is going to keep us together more than ever focusing our attention span into your Art vision today.
Art lovers and Art collectors sure need something fresh and new to lean on and that's where Antonio Pessoa's New Era comes in,full of color and grace,gentle and sentimental,elegantly glamourous and powerfully avant-gardish wich now that we come to think of it verdict is that it turns out to be a formula far beyond the so called contemporary fashion average,straight towards the perfect combination of what progressive neo-futurism indeed should be.
A true Art studio veteran coming back live and alive dressed up as a talented gifted absolute beginner,much more than a daring act of courage,is hereupon the herald shouting the arrival of the new century's mirror,the magical mirror wich only Art can provide,wich only Art can afford just by translating the contradictory elements of nature into the compact beauty wich only Art can accomplish.
Art lovers and Art collectors,make room and make way,let us all allow Antonio Pessoa's New Era to become what it's meant to be.A brave new world of communication,intention,sensation,emotion,invention and expression.
Submiting a new concept to the world has always been a risky process,a labyrinth of options and alternative B plans,pertaining to unconventional choices between mutually exclusive possibilities.Once the petrification of the same old formulas becomes totally out of question,then there's no way back whatsoever and the two options left are either suicide or glory.And that's as romantic as I can afford to be when sharing and facing the artist's dilemma of to be real or not to be.
The Art magician one day wakes up just to find out and so honestly admit to himself that despite his multiple tricks somehow still manage to keep the audience in a suspense breathtaking nail-biting tension,fact is that suddenly his tricks don't mean anything to him anymore.
And that sometimes can actually be the very beginning of a new period,if there's still the burning fire in the artist's heart and soul.
Antonio Pessoa's New Era is the perfect example of a heart and soul,where dancing flames seem to flip-flop and fly through clouds and clouds of multicolored smoke and as when there is smoke there is fire,there is an artist who has just made up his mind determined to make sure the show must go on and this time now more eager than ever to step on the stage and turn the audience into an orgasmic crowd.
Better said than done,some might claim,although while in so doing,very likely the artist is already at work and while some skepticals bystanders doubt it,very probably Antonio Pessoa's New Era might as well be by then taking off,flying and landing at the airport of recognition to receive the open arms welcome of the erudite ones who have the privilege of understanding an artistic phenomenon when they see one.
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